Affirmations: what are they and why do we use them?
Often thought of as positive thoughts for self-empowerment and self-love, affirmations go a long way deeper than that. If you have practiced with them before or they are totally new to you, here is a little backstory, as well as some tips to keep with them and the types of things you can say to yourself. Grab a warm drink, a comfy seat, and settle in…
Where do affirmations come from?
Affirmations are thought to go way back to the early 20th century, with a man called Emile Coue. A French psychologist and pharmacist who happened to discover that his treatments worked better when he told the patients how much better they would feel. If he told them how effective the work would be, they seemed to make a quicker and better recovery than if he said nothing; curious, isn’t it?
He also got his patients to say every single day, Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better, for the duration of the treatment, but he quickly learned that the patient had to feel it and believe it, as well as saying it out loud.
We often think of affirmations as modern-day statements that are bold, out there, and with little substance to back them up, but that couldn’t be further from the truth.
Practiced and cherished over the years, with many turning to affirmations in times of need to help them get back on the right track.
So, what exactly is an affirmation?
By definition, it is confirming something to be true, either through writing or the spoken word. This is true in the sense we are talking about them as well, with either speaking a statement out loud or writing it down, setting an intention for what you want to be or how you want to feel, but as if it were already true. You are confirming to yourself at that moment, that your statement is true and here.
I am powerful. I am strong. I am creative. I am capable. I am loved. I am light. I am beautiful.
Whatever your intention and affirmation may be.
However, saying that it is important to choose an affirmation that isn’t miles away from where you are at now. One that you can believe and achieve, with the right tools to go with them.
Different people use affirmations for different reasons, but generally speaking, they are used to bring your dreams a little closer to reality, with the power of positive thinking. That isn’t to say that positive thoughts alone will get you to where you want to be, but they do help things move along.
Just start
Different people use affirmations for different reasons, but generally speaking, they are used to bring your dreams a little closer to reality, with the power of positive thinking. That isn’t to say that positive thoughts alone will get you to where you want to be, but they do help things move along.
We see them used a lot in the wellness world, through chanting or meditation practices alongside yoga. A guide or teacher may ask you to set an intention or an affirmation at the start of the session, or they may be incorporated into what is covered and flowed through during the class.
They can help with a variety of different things, whether you are looking to increase your own confidence in a certain area, kickstart your career or maybe look for love. Affirmations raise our own vibration and make us feel good about ourselves, when used with conviction. By raising your vibration, you are welcoming in more of what you would like to attract.
Have you ever heard the phrase like attracts like?It is a similar concept, and the affirmations we put out and the attitude to go with it, will have a more positive impact on our lives than the opposite…

What we say We believe
What we tell ourselves, we believe, it is human nature. So would you rather tell yourself something positive and uplifting, or something negative that will have an impact on the rest of your day, week or even the rest of your month?
It is all about those vibrations.
Getting started with affirmations can feel hard at first, and it is important to know that if you feel a little awkward or unsure to start with, that is more than normal and perfectly fine. We cannot expect too much of ourselves to start with and if we really want to feel the benefits, we need to work ourselves up to a place of confidence, but that will not happen overnight.
If you do want to give them a try, we recommend starting small or with writing your affirmation down, or even saying it in your head. From there, you can build up your confidence and maybe say it to yourself in the mirror. The biggest part is believing it, so say it with feeling and conviction to feel those benefits.
If you are struggling for inspiration, you can always take existing mantras and use them as your own, looking at mantras for self love or empowerment as a starting point. The internet is filled with ideas and inspiration, so use the world wide web for good and give yourself some credit and self love.
Another one of our favourite times to use them is when self doubt or imposter syndrome starts to creep in, having a bank of affirmations or mantras to hand and saying them to yourself can really flip the switch on how you are feeling. It isnt always easy but it is always worth trying them, along with deepening your breathing to see if you can feel that mindset shift.
In short, affirmations can make you feel more positive, reduce stress and increase those good vibrations.
While they may not be for everyone, we recommend giving them a go and seeing how they sit with you.
At Welcome to MADE, we are firm believers in the power of affirmations, and we often win them out in times of stress or need. If you want to up your wellness stakes and find out more about the power our mind has over our body, take a two-week tour of our online membership, packed with meditations, workouts, flows and sleep stories, as well as healthy recipes and plenty more to get your teeth stuck into.