meet the team

meet the team

made HQ Team of Experts

We work with some of the best people in Staffordshire. It’s true. From a warm welcome at reception and friendly service at the café to a bespoke and personalised hands-on fitness programme delivery, we have a strong team whose main priority is you.

Aiming to not only educate but truly inspire, the team is passionate about motivation and will help you to become your best self. From food to workouts, MADE is all about living well and our team are the best people to guide you to optimum health and happiness.

Don’t just take our word for it though, come in, say hello and meet our team. 

Think you’d be a great fit in the MADE team? See our careers here



Penny Weston is an entrepreneur from Staffordshire who became duty manager of Moddershall Oaks at the age of 19 and soon after, Director at the age of 24. Helping to take the business from small health club to leading destination spa with over 100 employees, Penny has been involved in all aspects of its success including marketing, sales and operations. 

Behind the scenes in Penny’s personal life, health problems with anxiety and asthma led her to become invested in learning about nutrition and fitness. After years of research and planning, 9 months of construction and a £1.5m investment, MADE opened in August 2018. 

Relentless. Self-motivated. Driven.


Centre Manager

Born and raised in Staffordshire, Aimee joined MADE Wellness Centre in Autumn 2022 bringing years of experience in the fitness and wellness industry.

A dancer of 25 years, Aimee specialises in teaching dance and mobility classes.

She enjoys motivating people to reach and exceed their goals and become more confident in themselves. Her best fitness advice? “It can be a slow process, but quitting won’t speed it up!”⁠

Fun, enthusiastic, motivated

Strengths: Dance, mobility and group exercise.


Born and raised in Bedfordshire, Brogan moved up to the West Midlands back in 2016 after spending the early years of her 20s backpacking the world. It was whilst travelling that she decided to return to a job she was passionate about and completed her Personal Training Diploma.

She loves workouts that don’t take lots of time but that challenge lots of areas of the body – think Kettlebells, balance work, compound weight movements. Brogan continued her studies to focus on Pre & Post Natal Training and Intrinsic Biomechanics – helping people move more freely.

Brogan loves to teach indoor cycle (get ready for all kinds of tunes!) but also loves X.Yoga and teaching MADE M.O.T – helping members to recover and aid recovery after killer workouts.

Energetic. Charismatic. Dedicated.



Helena is all about the feel-good factor. She works her magic on not only changing your body but most importantly…your mind.

Any adversities you face in or out of the gym, she’s got your back! Don’t be fooled by her all smiles approach, her classes bring out her wicked side and will have you working to another level of exertion.

Sugar. Spice. All things nice.

Strengths: Wellbeing, HIIT, Strength, Group Exercise.



Waleed joined the MADE team in October 2022, having always worked in the fitness industry and being an avid cricket player for over 10 years!

Waleed has an impressive list of achievements, including his Sports & Exercise Science degree from the University of Wolverhampton, a black belt in martial arts, and qualifications in teaching aqua aerobics, chair based exercises and many more. 

His favourite class to teach is Strength & Conditioning and his personal favourite area to train is shoulders doing shoulder presses!


Personal Trainer and Group Fitness Instructor

Sarah’s fitness journey began back in 2015 when she decided to begin training to improve her own fitness and wellbeing. After having great success in this, she quickly realised she wanted to focus her career on helping others benefit from power of exercise. Fast forward to now, Sarah is a Health and Wellness Instructor here at MADE.

Her workouts are fun, friendly and accessible to all. Sarah will always make you feel welcome no matter your ability or fitness level. You will always leave feeling energised and have a smile on your face.



Sam trained with Yogahaven to become a Yoga Alliance Teacher back in 2014, she now has thousands of hours worth of teaching experience, both internationally on yachts and within UK cities. She feels great wellbeing comes from balancing the Yang with the Yin in life… or in other words balancing high intensity with recovery.

Coming from a professional dance background, classically trained in Ballet, Sam combines her disciplines to offer a unique class that’s packed with creative sequencing of postures; designed to build strength, flexibility and mobility throughout the body!

When teaching Sam likes to bring attention to detail in alignment for injury prevention and rehabilitation, focusing on smooth efficient transitions between movements.

But more importantly than all of those things, Sam loves to have fun whilst exercising!… Come and join the party in one of her “Dance Fit” sessions!

Other classes Sam teaches: Made M.O.T, X.Yoga, Yogalates, Vinyasa Flow, Glow, and Restorative Yoga.



Hailing from Staffordshire, Robbie is a Development Engineer by profession but after a life changing illness decided to become a part-time Fitness Instructor.

Described as a motivator with a passion for music which he utilises to create a high energy buzz during Group Cycle. Robbie compliments this with the yin energy of Yoga & Pilates (Fitness Yogalates) for a complete mind/body workout but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Increased flexibility requires powerful muscles for stability and a strong core to support the back helping to prevent or alleviate musculoskeletal issues – Robbie takes a multi-factorial approach to health & firmly believe in mind, body & soul.

Musical. Passionate. Spiritual. Strengths: Indoor Cycling, Yoga, Pilates and Reiki



Sharing yoga for me, is a journey of self discovery, it’s an invitation to bring awareness into what’s truly present in our bodies and being, without any expectation or judgement of ourselves, a space to come home. I encourage my students to a place where they can pay attention, not only to how the body moves, but how it feels. I love to weave a thread of philosophy through my classes, as I believe yoga has the power to help you connect deeper to yourself, others and all that you do.

No matter if you join me for a fiery vinyasa flow or a soft, gentle yin class, I hope you find the space and balance that supports you as you step off the mat, helping you become the best possible version of yourself.

I look forward to holding space, breathing, learning and laughing together.

Things that make me smile:

The sea and mountains, Wildflowers, sleeping puppies, family, a good book I can get lost in, hugs, sunshine, being barefoot



Claire moved to Staffordshire in 2009 from her hometown of Bournemouth and shortly after in 2011 she embarked on her journey into the fitness industry.

Her first passion was indoor cycling and she started as a participant in classes over 17 years ago and fell in love with the group exercise class. She decided to take the leap from class member to instructor and the rest is history!

In 2013 Claire added another string to her bow and started her Pilates journey and has never looked back

She loves to design functional and achievable classes that all members can enjoy and benefit from. She looks forward to seeing you in her classes soon!



Chris has always been passionate about fitness and this is shown in various facets of his life and career…

After leaving the army, Chris earned his UEFA B license and spent 8 years coaching both women’s and men’s football. Alongside this, Chris took on the role of a Close Protection officer, where he served as a bodyguard for stars like Jose Mourinho for over three years!


Favourite class to teach: Bootcamp

Favourite class to attend: Strength & Conditioning

 “Form comes first. Feel the exercise rather than do the exercise “


Motivational, firm but fair.



Shelley has always had a passion for fitness and wellbeing. A keen swimmer, one of her most notable achievements was competing at a national level when she was younger. 

She specialises in weight and strength training, having gained her levels 1 & 2 in Olympic Weightlifting Coaching ⁠

After 22 years in the fitness industry, Shelley is still just as passionate, with her favourite elements of her work being the ability to coach people, adapt to differing needs, seeing progression in her clients and most importantly always making things fun! ⁠



Born in Staffordshire, Andy has loved fitness from an early age, playing county, football, golf and tennis. Over the years, Andy has developed an array of skills in the fitness industry from trainee to managerial and even a lecturer in sports and nutrition degrees.

Andy’s classes are no easy feat but they centre around fun. Expect a lot of burpees and a good old fashioned beasting!

Andy is extremely passionate about the industry and helping clients meet their goals. It’s all about a lifestyle, not quick fixes.

Fun. Outgoing. Driven. Strengths: Strength & Conditioning, HIIT and Nutrition.



​Movement has always been an integral part of my life. From ballet classes aged 3 to contemporary dance both as a teacher and participant until the arrival of my 1st child aged 30. I’ve completed a marathon (in pretty good time), lifted weights heavier than myself and despite a successful and super stressful career as a head-hunter, managed to run 30+ miles a week for years.

A few years ago following a particularly mentally turbulent time, devastatingly painful runners knees and horrendously tight hamstrings I hung up my trainers and reluctantly went to a yoga class; more through desperation to escape the flutterings of my mind than anything else. It helped. Instantly. It changed my life.

A lifetime of movement, thousands of miles spent pounding the lanes and pavements, yoga classes all over the world and 500 hour teacher training have all led me here. I’m more robust than I’ve ever been mentally and I accredit that to yoga; the asana (physical) practice and the lessons by which to live that yoga promotes.

There is no judgement in my classes and my only requirement is that the ego is left at the door. Each class is tailored to meet you exactly where you are mentally and physically & at this uncertain time, logistically.

See you on the mat. Let’s go!



Karen has always had a passion for health and wellbeing, after studying Nutrition and Dietetics at Chester University she embarked on a journey into the fitness industry,  becoming a certified personal trainer, GP referral coach, Yoga and meditation teacher.  Karen was able to put into practice what she had dreamed of – helping people!

Working with 100’s of people over the years Karen has helped them to create positive lifestyle choices through food, exercise, yoga and meditation.

Karen aims to restore mental and physical balance in her classes.  She brings a light-hearted, friendly and sincere atmosphere to her classes, leaving you feeling uplifted and calm.

Karen believes that its important to explore your body and to not take yourself too seriously. Try, fall and rise.  It’s all part of the process.