Work-life Balance
Work-Life Balance Work-life balance. Does it exist, or is it a myth? Rumour has it there will always be one thing that takes control while the other will fall slightly behind. True or not, there are ways to find your own kind of balance without feeling like everything is completely off-kilter. Here’s how… Before we […]

What is Yin Yoga?
What is Yin Yoga? Yin yoga is a popular style of yoga for those looking for something a little slower. Now, don’t be fooled, just because it is slow doesn’t mean it is easy, but it is built to be accessible, so beginners and all abilities are very welcome in classes. A slower, more considered […]

Pilates and Yoga – what is the difference?
Yoga and pilates. Both are great workouts and for building mental strength as well, but there are plenty of differences between the two. For newbies and those who have never tried them before, they often get mixed up or tarred with the same brush, but there are more differences than initially meets the eye. Let’s […]

What is burnout and tips to avoid it
Burnout. The word that seems to have swept across the wellness world over the past 12 to 18 months. But what does it mean, are you at risk, and most importantly how do you avoid it? Let’s start with the definition of burnout, as we find it does get lost in translation and watered down […]

A beginner’s guide to journaling
Beginner’s Guide to journalling Don’t be put off by Instagram-worthy notebooks and fancy, flowing pens, journalling is a great release for the mind and to get started, you just need a pen and paper. Here is our beginner’s guide to journaling and the benefits of letting those thoughts out. Journalling is a powerful tool that […]

Affirmations: what are they and why do we use them?
Affirmations: what are they and why do we use them? Often thought of as positive thoughts for self-empowerment and self-love, affirmations go a long way deeper than that. If you have practiced with them before or they are totally new to you, here is a little backstory, as well as some tips to keep with […]