Staying connected in this new world
We’re all missing a sense of community, social interaction and conversation at the moment and are leaning on technology to provide even more of a connection. Catching up with our nearest and dearest on zoom, teaching your grandma to FaceTime, clapping with your neighbours for our heroic NHS and swatting up before your weekly trivia quiz has become the pillar of our social calendars for quite a few weeks now, but we also found a whole new sense of ‘community’ online.
We launched virtually MADE classes almost instantly as the lockdown was bought into action, hoping to bring a sense of normality (as normal as can possibly be with your downward facing dog actually features your beloved four pawed friend panting in your face, and breaaaathe). But what we’ve actually found has been something more much than just a class. Tuning in to a workout, having something to look forward to, getting the family involved, trying something new, getting to virtually interact with your fellow classmates and teacher has bought a whole new meaning to MADE and one we’re so very thankful to every single member for.
We’re hoping to continue our online journey when we’re back into the ‘new world’…watch this space!