Healthy Lunch Inspo

The back-to-school rush has already seemingly begun, and we are all retreating back to our offices to find a new kind of normal. As much as we have been looking forward to this day, we would be lying if we said we hadn’t enjoyed having home cooked meals for lunch every single day, with more hours in the day to prep food and plan. So, as we head towards ‘normality’ here are some healthy lunches that will leave you feeling satisfied, that are so much better than a soggy sandwich…
Smoothie Bowl
A whole new meaning of ‘liquid lunch’. Although we may usually grab a smoothie bowl first thing in the morning, we think they derive some loving all day long. They are easy to assemble at work and you can take everything pre-cut and packed so you don’t have to hunt for chopping boards and queue for the microwave. Grab your favourite fruits for the smoothie, add some spirulina, and top with fruit, seeds, coconut or anything else you have your eye on.
Wrap it up
We often find that eating bread at lunch time can leave us clock-watching for the afternoon. Ditch the loaf in favour of a wrap, with all your favourite fillings still on there. They refrigerate well throughout the morning and are much lighter, without leaving you feeling hungry and grabbing a 3pm packet of crisps.
Overnight Oats
Again you could argue that this is a morning food but we would love to change your mind on that one. With so many toppings, flavour combinations and options to choose from, every pot can taste totally different. Whether you’re feeling healthy with berries or indulgent with banoffee, there are so many ways to spice this up and make sure it is a lunch that you are looking forward to.
Quorn salad
Filling and tasty with lots of leaves in there for good measure. Quorn is both high in protein and high in fibre which makes it a friend of your body as well as tasty. Throw in peppers for some crunch, cherry tomatoes for some juiciness and season well for a salad that is flavoursome and fun.
Buddha Bowl
Now this one will leave you feeling fancy. We love a buddha bowl and there are so many reasons that you should too. It would take us a while to run through them all, so here are some of our favourite things to put in them… Brown rice or quinoa, spending on how you’re feeling, sweet potato is also an amazing ingredient to add, we also love throwing in some chickpeas. Alongside that, steamed veg is a good option, and basically anything else you can cram into the bowl. The key is, small portions of food, so you get lots of variety in there too.
We’re always looking for lunch inspiration, so let us know in the comments what is on your menu this week.