30mins of exercise each day
30mins of exercise each day We all know the wonders that exercise can have on your body and when you’re feeling in a slump or in need of a pick me up, moving your body can often be the solution. But can just 30 minutes of exercise per day be the answer and does it […]

On the road again – our favourite running picks
On the road again – our favourite running picks Heading for a run? While the world and its wife seemed to take up running in March 2020, almost 18 months on and some of us are still at it, taking to the roads and the woods to get our fix. If that sounds like you […]

Benefits of a vegan diet
Benefits of a vegan diet A vegan diet has been popular with many for decades, but it is only in recent years thanks to Veganuary and suchlike, that veganism has gotten the publicity it deserves, bringing in new supporters each year. But what are the benefits of being vegan and having a vegan diet? There […]

Get HIIT or get LIIT
Get HIIT or get LIIT If you’re new to the workout game or looking to switch up your routines, you may have seen HIIT and LIIT floating around, but what on earth do they mean? If you are wondering, read on to find out all about them, the differences and how to choose which workout […]

What is Gua Sha?
What is Gua Sha? Gua Sha is quickly growing in popularity; hailing from the East and a long-standing part of Chinese medicine, it is known for leaving a glowing and radiant complexion in its wake. So, what is Gua Sha and can it be performed at home? Here is everything you need to know to […]

Yoga For Breakfast
Yoga for breakfast Yoga is a practice that has been around for centuries and has been passed down generation to generation in the Eastern world, before making its way to the West. We are so lucky to be able to practice yoga and reap the benefits, which we will go onto shortly, but what about […]