Why we meditate
Why Do We meditate? Meditation is a tool we use to feel calm and at peace, with many different types of meditation and levels of it too. There are a whole range of reasons to meditate and plenty of benefits too, so read on if you would like to find out more and find your […]

What does wellness mean to you?
What does wellness mean to you? Wellness is a word that has grown in popularity over the last few years. From a way of life to a trend that has swept across the globe, there are plenty of lotions and potions that claim to be the key to wellness. But what does it actually […]

Seven-day self-care challenge
7 Day Self care challenge It is more important than ever that you are putting yourself and your needs first, but we know that it can often fall by the wayside. If this all sounds familiar, we have put together a seven-day challenge for you to focus on self-care, with one small act a day. […]

Building more movement into your day
Building more movement into your day Desk-life is not for us, but it is kind of an essential part of most jobs. Whether you’re office-based or working from home, we have put together a few ways you can build more movement into your day. If you look at your phone or your watch and it […]

Tips for returning to the gym
Returning To the gym Gyms are open once again with group classes hitting the schedules soon, but if you’re wondering whether to head back or to stay at home, here are some things to keep in mind when you come to decide. Returning to the gym is going to feel daunting for many, and that […]

Back to Life Anxiety
Back to life anxiety As lockdown restrictions begin to lift and life slowly creeps back to normality, it can be so easy to get swept up in the excitement, and the peer pressure of it all. Whether you are returning to work from a year of remote or furlough, being invited to social events with […]